Mission Joy: What Is It, And How Can We Bring It To All Of The Places That Need It?

Mission Joy is an attempt to provide mission-minded organizations with the opportunity to use their content distribution channels to spread important and challenging messages throughout the world. The goal is to make truths about social injustice, humanitarian crises, and global ills more visible while exhorting people all over the globe not to be passive observers but active leaders.

Mission Joy is a movement to bring hope, joy, and healing to all of the places that need it. It was started in 2014 by Lisa Pemberton, who was motivated to start the movement after her daughter was diagnosed with a terminal illness. You can also hop over here to know more about mission joy.

The mission of Mission Joy is to create an international network of organizations that work together to provide hope, joy, and healing to people in crisis countries around the world. They offer resources such as trauma counseling, yoga classes, and bereavement support groups.

Creativity and play are vital components of Mission Joy’s work. They use play as a vehicle for teaching children about the importance of expressing themselves creatively and staying healthy. They also use creative projects to connect communities with each other and build relationships across divides.

Healing is another important aspect of Mission Joy’s work. They focus on providing mental health support to populations that traditionally don’t receive it. They also partner with local organizations that provide physical health services such as HIV care, maternal health care, and pediatric health care. Community connection is a pillar of Mission Joy’s philosophy.