Educational Resources Available In Association Of Business Brokers

The association of business brokers is an organization dedicated to promoting the education and networking of business brokers across the United States. They provide resources to help business owners and brokers make informed decisions when it comes to buying and selling businesses. These resources include:

Educational Materials

The association of business dealers provides a wealth of educational materials to help brokers understand the business brokerage process. These materials include an extensive library of articles, whitepapers, and guidelines on topics such as business valuation, due diligence, and negotiation. 

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Industry News

They keep its members up-to-date with the latest industry news and developments by providing a regular newsletter and blog. The newsletter includes case studies and interviews with successful business brokers, as well as updates on new laws, regulations, and trends in the industry. 


The association of business brokers hosts two major conferences each year that bring together business brokers. These conferences provide an invaluable opportunity for business brokers to meet, network, and learn from one another. The conferences also feature panel discussions, workshops, and keynote speakers, as well as a wide array of vendors offering products and services related to business brokerage.

The association of business brokers is an invaluable resource for business owners and brokers alike. With its wide array of educational materials, industry news, conferences, and local chapters, they provide business owners and brokers with the resources they need to make informed decisions when it comes to buying and selling businesses.